Friday, July 10, 2009


What is the perfect sales call?

Giving the best sales presentation?

Being in complete rapport with your prospect the whole time?

Asking just the right pain questions so that you really stir
up trouble and discover powerful purchasing motivation?

Asking for the order, or the appropriate "next step", and
getting it?

One could say that the Perfect Sales Call would include all
of the above (and possibly more).

My standard for the Perfect Sales Call is much lower. It
doesn't include all of the above.

The only thing that matters when you make a sales call is
did you either advance or close the sale. That's it.

Getting the order, or getting to the appropriate next step,
is all that matters, regardless of how sloppy you were or
how pretty you looked along the way.

Giving good sales presentations only matter to the extent
that it helps you advance or close the sale.

Asking powerful pain questions and stirring up their
emotions only matters if it helps you advance or close the

Being in complete rapport only matters if that aids you in
advancing or closing the sale.

Because the Perfect Sales Call is simply one where you
advance or close the sale.

Any higher standard of perfection, is detrimental to your

Getting everything "just right" slows you down.

Its best to "get busy" and try some new ideas and tactics to
see what works for you, than to sweat giving the perfect

Perfectionism is not a great trait for sales success. Tis
better to perfect execution instead.

You should always be looking for new things to test out and
use to advance and close your sales.

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