Thursday, June 11, 2009

Create the Pain & Create More Sales


One of the principles of Persuasive Selling is that you
can't sell someone something that they don't want.

This presents a dilemma for you if you want to sell to more
prospects than just those few that contact you asking to
purchase your product.

The temptation is to tell people about all the great things
about your product.

And that temptation is the source of your dilemma.

People don't want your product, whatever your product is.

People want what your product can do for them, they want the
end result that your product can give them.

People want to eliminate or minimize they pain they are
having in some area of their personal or business lives.

But what if prospects don't come to you asking you to
eliminate their pain with your product?

Or what if your product is new, and people don't even know
it exists?

I got an email asking me such a question the other day...

 "You keep going on about pain!  What pain would someone
 have if I'm ringing them up trying to get them to buy
 something that they have not asked for as I'm very

 -Michaela Campbell

Sometimes people don't have a pain until you show them that
they do.

When the prospect is not aware of your product, or any type
of product like yours, you need to get the prospect to see
what they are missing out on.

You do this by asking if they are experiencing similar
results that people who use your product are experiencing.

A good example right now is Apple's new iPhone.

With an iPhone, you can send an email and have a phone
conversation simultaneously. For serious multitaskers, this
represents a time savings.

Previous digital gadgets didn't allow this multi-tasking
capability. People had no pain in this area because no
device offered such a multi-tasking capability.

Once the iPhone became available, people who heard about is
new multi-tasking capabilities wanted it, and they now had a
pain that they didn't have before.

Apple created a pain where none existed before in the
emotions of digital multi-taskers.

And you can do the same. People won't ask about what you
have, until they know that you have something that solves a
problem for them.

And sometimes they won't even know that they have a problem,
until you open up the gap and show them what they are

Sell with Pride,

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